If you require any adjustments to help with accessibility please check our FAQ for more information about how we can assist. BBC New Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London, W1 1AA ...
The 57-year-old works at Broadcasting House in the West End and lives near Henley-on-Thames, around an hour away by car from central London. The BBC's chief financial officer Alan Dickson ...
Escape to the Country expert Denise Nurse was joined by couple Phil and Jo, who had decided to up and leave London for a ...
Thousands took to the streets on Saturday for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) rally in Whitehall, and were met with a heavy police presence.
Several thousand Pro-Palestinian supporters have taken part in a demonstration in central London. The rally ... demonstrators gathering outside Broadcasting House because of its close proximity ...
Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators marched from a static rally in Whitehall to Trafalgar Square on Saturday.
Pro-Palestine protesters will gather for a rally in Westminster on Saturday after police curtailed organisers’ plans for a march past the BBC and near a synagogue. The Metropolitan Police denied ...
The protesters had planned to march near the BBC’s Broadcasting House in Portland Place to Whitehall, but were hit with conditions on the march due to the nearby Central Synagogue. But on Wednesday, ...