Please CLICK HERE For How Narcissists Cause Gut Issues, Plus How To Improve Your Gut Health After A Narcissist ...
Having narcissists in your life can cost you social isolation, for several reasons… Narcissists may isolate you from support networks, to give them more control over you. They may physically move you ...
Let’s face it, narcissists are takers. They approach relationships with one main goal – to take as much as they can. Narcissists aren’t interested in equal relationships. They want to… ...
Let’s face it, narcissists are takers. They approach relationships with one main goal – to take as much as they can. Narcissists aren’t interested in equal relationships. They want to… ...
In relationships, narcissists want to use and abuse as much as possible. They aspire to take as much as they can, whilst giving back as little as possible. So they test boundaries to see what they can ...
Most people leave narcissist relationships in worse health than they entered. And it’s no wonder. Narcissists typically cause their partners flight or fight hormones to go into overdrive. Because of… ...
Although less than 1% of the population are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, studies show far more actually have it. Over 6%, which is about 1 in 15 people. Therefore… ...
Future faking is a powerful technique narcissists use for control. In a nutshell, they establish control in the present by promising things in the future. Usually with no intention of… ...
A strange thing I’ve noticed about narcissists is that although they’re master manipulators, they’re also pretty gullible. They CAN be manipulated. And they CAN fall prey to scams. Some narcissists… ...
Female narcissists often collect harems of male admirers. Who they use to boost their self esteem. And manipulate for their own benefit. But they don’t enjoy this collection of men… ...
Through years of knowing narcissists, I’ve noticed they like to get people investing in them. And invest heavily for long periods of time. The narcissist knows the more someone has… ...