In learning assays with thermogenetics, 25 to 50 third-instar larvae (92–96 h after egg laying) were trained on a 2.5% agar plate (100mm petri dish) covered with 2 mL of 1 M SUC or 0.1% QUI. DW was ...
melanogaster were desiccated in this chamber on dry tissue paper placed in a glass Petri dish. The LT 20 values were taken ... The assay mixture consisted of 100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, 0.17 mM ...
This is an editorial opinion piece which was recently published in The Oxford Times, sister paper of the Oxford Mail. "England is a garden". "London is the place for me". "Oxford is a petri dish".
Over the past week, a Cambridge company won funding from ARPA-H for personalized regenerative cells, and two Massachusetts medical device companies announced funding rounds.
MEDIAJET has been developed to meet these needs. The MEDIAJET system offers the unique flexibility to fill Petri dishes of various sizes, Petri dishes with two compartments as well as test tubes ...
Co-expressing NPY and its inhibitory receptor Y2 in excitatory hippocampal cells allows inhibitory autoregulation of ...