If you require any adjustments to help with accessibility please check our FAQ for more information about how we can assist. BBC New Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London, W1 1AA ...
A new series from BBC Learning English offers global audiences an opportunity to learn English by meeting local musicians ...
It featured on BBC London’s Robert Elms Show on 24 January ... Opening photo shows the group on students on their visit to BBC Broadcasting House (photographer, Jo Holland).
Several thousand Pro-Palestinian supporters have taken part in a demonstration in central London. The rally ... demonstrators gathering outside Broadcasting House because of its close proximity ...
The prime minister believes Brexit has had some benefits, Downing Street has said on the fifth anniversary of the UK leaving ...
The protesters had planned to march near the BBC’s Broadcasting House in Portland Place to Whitehall, but were hit with conditions on the march due to the nearby Central Synagogue. But on Wednesday, ...
A gathering in central London was planned for this weekend, intended to begin outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House before marching south towards Whitehall. The Guardian reports that, Thursday ...
Thousands took to the streets on Saturday for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) rally in Whitehall, and were met with a heavy police presence.
The Met Police has blocked plans for a Pro-Palestine march near the BBC’s headquarters in central ... from gathering outside Broadcasting House in Portland Place ahead of a march to Whitehall ...
Protesters targeting the BBC were planning to gather outside Broadcasting House in Portland Place on Saturday January 18, before marching through central London. But Scotland Yard has told the ...
More than 1,000 police on duty for Pro-Palestine rally in central London - The protest will be a static rally in Whitehall instead of the planned march past the BBC.