# Dr Forbes outlined the symptoms of common STIs, emphasising that some people may have no symptoms, making regular screening essential. Chlamydia symptoms include pain during urination, abnormal ...
The following is a summary of “Diagnostic-avoiding Chlamydia trachomatis variants detected in cervical and endometrial ...
Health experts say an Australian study linking sexual activity to an infection that 1 in 3 U.S. women contract has provided a ...
Bacterial vaginosis is a poorly understood infection that affects one in three women and can bring with it uncomfortable ...
The bacterium chlamydia trachomatis is a major cause of sexually transmitted diseases. Bacteria have lots of tricks up their ...
A “stubborn” infection that affects one in three women and often comes back after treatment is actually an STI that can be completely erased in many cases if their male partner is treated too.
Experts don’t know for sure what causes ovarian cancer, but recent research has found a strong connection between chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and ovarian cancer.
New Orleans health officials are urging an expansion in sexually transmitted infection testing, treatment and prevention after a new report says the city saw a sharp increase in HIV cases among 15- to ...
From herpes to HIV, discover why STD rates are climbing among senior adults and learn the subtle warning signs that shouldn't be dismissed as normal aging.
Landmark study shows treating both partners for bacterial vaginosis improves outcomes, but experts suggest there may be more to the story.