An 89-year-old man, married to his wife for 68 years, has shared a heartwarming piece of relationship advice that is capturing the hearts of thousands.
El Warsha folk theatre troupe launched its opening performance for this Ramadan season at the house of Arabic poetry (Beit El ...
If you've been googling "how to surprise boyfriend long distance," look no further than these 10 suggestions for letting your ...
Having a good and long-lasting relationship isn’t rocket science. By being loving and supportive, you can keep your ...
Born Parsi, Sufi of heart and Christian in suffering, Buddhist in his detachment, and Hindu in his sensuality, Hoshang ...
Stephen Colbert repeatedly dragged Elon Musk during his monologue on Thursday’s “The Late Show,” joking at one point that “millions of young people” can’t stand him — “and those are just his kids.” ...
With these special phrases, you can win over even the most elusive guy, capture his heart, and ultimately conquer him. Don't ...
Come to Daddy is a 2019 film directed by Ant Timpson. Elijah Wood plays Norval Greenwood, an awkward rich guy who lives with ...
Sedona Red Rock News Managing Editor and Sedona Poetry Slam founder Christopher Fox Graham has become the second Sedona resident to have a celestial body named after him with the recent redesignation ...
Huskers Radio Network announcer Greg Sharpe (right) stands with his daughter Emily (left), his wife Amy and daughter Taylor ...
We go to the movies for all kinds of reasons. To laugh, to scream, to cheer. But sometimes, there comes a film that leaves us ...