A new blood test has potential to identify a hard-to-predict but sometimes deadly pregnancy complication weeks before it ...
No special preparation is needed for thyroid function tests. These are typically a single blood draw. Although not necessary, you can take steps to make the blood draw easier. For example ...
Thyroid problems are rapidly surging in pregnant women and are a major concern as they can affect the health of both the mother and the baby. The thyroid gland produces hormones that are responsible ...
These are the most important blood tests that doctors suggest you should have for a deep dive into your health.
Research suggests that taking high doses of biotin may lead to inaccurate thyroid lab results. Stopping biotin several days before your test can help you avoid this. Biotin is a B-complex vitamin ...
Priya Kapoor (name changed), a working professional from Delhi, was pregnant for the first time at 33. As if the stress of ...
Other possible signs of hypothyroidism include: extreme fatigue, constipation, dry skin, cold sensitivity, menstrual irregularities, inability to focus and muscle aches, says Jaggi. Importantly, ...
· The burden of both hypothyroidism and anaemia is on the rise. Anaemia amongst women between 15 and 49 years increased from ...
Hypothyroidism is treated with a thyroid replacement medication called levothyroxine, says Jaggi. Regular blood tests performed by your healthcare provider can identify when your body has returned ...
A TgAb test checks the level of these antibodies in a person’s blood. Learn more about the thyroid gland. The TgAb test checks for the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies. These antibodies can ...