He encouraged the gathering to take their Lent seriously. “A great mentor of mine, Father Bill Richters, used to say, ‘have ...
Mark and Matthew tell us that Jesus conversed with the two pillars of the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah, but Luke adds that ...
Gentle Leader XIV is an arty post-punk trio out of Ohio, composed of members Jeffrey Tucholski, Matt Hallaran, and Maria Jenkins. They’ve been working together for close to a decade now, and their new ...
In ‘Vanish Into You,’ I imagine that I just want to disappear into the person that I love the most," Gaga said.
Kenny Walker spent 25 years working for Jefferson County Public Schools but, since retiring, spends his time writing gospel ...
Some Christians might think this is a silly question because asking for God’s glory to fall is such a popular phrase in ...
Carlile says "Swing for the Fences" is meant to call queer youth "into a bigger, more elegant, more fabulous life." ...