2. The stranded preposition test. As opposed to pure modifiers, complements are incorporated into the meaning of the verb (or noun). There is one test for complements, but the test does not go far ...
Hyphenate when used as a compound modifier: He was active duty before becoming a reserve Soldier. He was an active-duty Soldier before becoming a reserve Soldier. African American (noun ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 32, No. 2, 1912 Comparative Syntax of the Combinations ...
Place modifiers near the words they describe ... Pronouns must clearly refer to definite referents (nouns). Use it, they, that, these, those and which carefully to prevent confusion. Incorrect: ...
Fisherman: Help! There's a beast. I'm trapped on the lake. My boat is stuck. Narrator: Nice use of your nouns there. Beast, lake and boat. How about we expand those noun phrases? Expanded noun ...
Since its first edition, in 1906, The Chicago Manual of Style has been a vital reference for every book and magazine editor. The AP Stylebook guides many newspapers — though not The Washington Post, ...
MANY years ago, a prestigious testing organization in the United States had to rescore the test papers of over 500,000 ...
Sometimes a noun looks like it should be plural when it isn’t. Chances are that this noun is called a mass noun. Mass nouns are nouns that, by their very nature, are plural. These are also called ...
Sometimes, a given fluid doesn’t have quite the right viscosity or physical properties for a given application. Rheology modifiers can be added to fluids to change their viscosity and even change the ...
Fisherman: Help! There's a beast. I'm trapped on the lake. My boat is stuck. Narrator: Nice use of your nouns there. Beast, lake and boat. How about we expand those noun phrases? Expanded noun ...