This study presents valuable findings on the increased prevalence of pain in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and its relationship to health outcomes. The evidence supporting the conclusions is ...
Current store-labeled beef often lacks reliable origin information, as it can come from the USA or any of the twenty importing countries. USDA inspection labels don’t clarify the source ...
Mice carrying a gene variant present in nearly every human on Earth — but not in extinct relatives including Neanderthals — produce more-complex chirps than normal rodents do 1. The finding ...
Will human art always win? In a study conducted by SpringerOpen for their cognitive research journal, two pieces of art were labeled as AI-created or human-created, but sometimes the piece labeled as ...
It’s impossible to be ambivalent towards that word, that country, indeed that idea, one so very similar to our own, yet so very different. You feel it in Moscow, where I spent a week exactly 40 years ...
The heterogeneity, maintenance, and function of TRMs, as one of the major immune cells in the ovary, are not well understood ... cycle in our study and the ovulation cycle induced by human Chorionic ...
The sex chromosome complement, XX or XY, determines sexual differentiation of the gonadal primordium into a testis or an ovary, which in turn directs ... on Plus-coated histology slides (Thermo-Fisher ...
The follicle stem cells (FSCs) in the Drosophila ovary are an important experimental model for the study of epithelial stem cell biology. Although decades of research support the conclusion that there ...